Why all the money in the world won't help you
This article isn’t about how to become rich or what app will be the next big thing. No, this article is about the suit you’re wearing.
That’s right.
The one you’re wearing right now. Known in scientific terms as your physical body. And like any fine suit, yours has a set of care instructions.
What does this have to do with money?
Plain and simple - this suit, often unappreciated for its amazing capabilities (like the fact that your navel has evolved to grow hairs specializing in lint collection) is the most valuable thing you own.
And unless you’re paying attention to how you care for your body - and I mean really, really paying attention- statistics show you could be cutting your life short by decades.
That's something no amount of money is ever going to fix.
So whether you’re the kind of person that is motivated by fear or inspired by possibilities, take a minute to read the care instructions of the finest garment you will ever own.
#1 Feed it right
Think of your body as the tool you use to create your life. It’s the suit you wear as you dream, love & experience the physical world.
Without one - nothing is possible.
It can be said that your body has magical powers - like the ability to regenerate cells as they wear out, literally rebuilding itself as time goes by. This would be like a tweed plaid stitching itself back together when a tear runs through the fabric. Don't you wish your favorite sweater could do as much?
But there's a catch.
The human body has evolved over millions of years to work best when it is fed certain types of food (just a hint - fatty, unbalanced & oversized isn't where it's at).
The wrong kind of nutrition will, over time, lead to the breakdown of your garment.
That means that it's your job to figure out what your individual body needs (not always easy). If you need help, this article will give you skills to navigate the modern food world and come out shining!
#2 Move it more
You've heard this before - regular exercise is a must. That doesn't mean you need to train for a marathon or climb a mountain every weekend, but it does mean that you need to move.
Here's a goal to shoot for - at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day (like a brisk walk). You can achieve more health benefits & lose weight if you increase it to 45 minutes or more a day.
Need more inspiration?
Sometimes it helps to have extra motivation. Like a payoff. How about if you could get paid to exercise? Would that make you move more? Do a google search and find a plethora of fun apps to help you do just that.
No more excuses, friend. Get moving!
#3 Mind it daily
Researchers discover more about the brain every day. Like the fact that most of our decisions are made on automatic pilot (as high as 95%) In fact, we make so many of our decisions with our unconscious mind that we often miss our true potential - and we fail to create what we want in life.
The trick (according to the latest research) is to catch yourself when you're deep in thought of self-doubt and rationalizations. And in that moment, introduce a better thought (one that’s in line with what you really want to experience) and move on.
And the way to get good at doing that? Practice mindfulness and meditation. Often called the 2M skills, they can have a big impact on what you create.
Carve out time each day to meditate. Practice this skill. You’ll soon find yourself experiencing less stress, more focus and an ability to connect better with those around you.
Now that you’ve got the basic care instructions for the body you’re living in, are you ready to put them into action?
Let’s start with the thing that will make or break your success - the food you eat. This article will help you get started in the right direction.